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Ford Ranger Canopy: Brand New Or Second Hand?

Ford Ranger canopy has many purposes for business and personal use. This can give your vehicle extra safety and security when transporting cargoes, securing your goods from different weather condition when on the road and giving extra space for passengers.

You have two options when buying ford ranger canopy, you can opt to choose brand new or second hand. They have differences in many aspects, price, appearance, warranty, availability, customisation and satisfaction.


In terms of price, second hand is always cheaper than brand new. Buying second hand is the option people take when they try to cut expenses. But with just any purchases you make, not limited to Ford Ranger canopy, you have to be smart enough identifying value for money. See here for the 5 benefits of aluminium ute canopies.

Not all the time cheaper is the better option, there is a reason why second-hand is cheaper than brand new ones, yet you cannot discount the possibility and chance of purchasing high quality Ford Ranger canopy.


Expect when you buy a brand new Ford Ranger canopy that is in best appearance, no scratches, no dents and perfectly smooth, unlike second-hand, scratches and dents are not avoidable because of wear and tear.

Do not expect a brand new appearance when you opt second hand. Canopy is exposed to different weather condition, thus appearance may depreciate in long-term use.


When you buy brand new, you will either get manufacturer’s or seller’s warranty while second hand may or may not have warranties. Warranty is a must for Ford Ranger add-on and accessories like a canopy. It can save you money big time when repair and part replacement are required and this can also be your best defence and protection when the quality is not satisfied.

When second-hand is purchased in a retail shop you may possibly get a warranty but if you purchase it from an online seller or car enthusiast, most of the time if not all the time there is no warranty.


There are different canopy models and brands available for your Ford Ranger. Second-hand options may be limited as not all the time the brand and model you are looking for is available, so you have no choice but to get satisfied with what is on the second-hand market.

The availability also impacts the accessories and add-on you can purchase, especially that if you choose old models where accessories are not as rampant as the other available models.

Customisation and satisfaction

For canopy, especially for business use customising is highly recommended. Brand new canopies can give you the opportunity of customising it according to your requirement thus maximising what you can get from it. Unlike second-hand, where you will be left without a choice but to adjust with what your purchased second-hand canopy can provide.

Satisfaction may not be achieved completely with second hand since whatever is there you have to use it as is unlike when you purchase brand new, you can ask your manufacturer to customise it according to your required size, desired material to use and the like.

It is your discretion whether to buy second hand or brand new, with the list and information above, you should have a clearer idea which route to go.

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