If you want to power the gear without running your battery flat, then having a dual battery system must not be an alternative. Also, if you are a case who usually enjoy a four-wheel drive touring and camping, having a portable fridge is an essential step you can make. So that the fridge can keep running as the vehicle remain parked, plenty of the reserve battery power is needed. For many people, adequate electrical capacity is not only essential in cooling food and beer, but it is also a vital requirement for work, where it powers equipment like radios and safety lights for the case of a stationary vehicle.
Therefore, a dual battery system kits are an unavoidable thing. You can wire this secondary battery into the vehicle in different ways depending on the purpose you want it to performed and the needed system flexibility. However, the use for it doesn’t matter. It becomes quite essential to install and wire this system in the passenger compartment, load area or in the engine bay. Through this, the battery system becomes isolated so that it is not in a position of flattening starter battery of the vehicle.
Ensure You Have The Right Battery
The main need for the dual battery system is to make it possible for the second battery to get charged by the vehicle while the engine is running or while on the process of driving. As a result, the secondary battery gets charged and remain for use after arriving at the next job.
It is true that many vehicles are only built to support one battery. Therefore, installation of the secondary battery for powering purposes requires extra hardware. Here, a robust fabricated steel tray must be fitted in the engine bay of the vehicle. Also, for the tray to carry more than 15 kg of the battery when it comes to the tough off-road conditions, it must be heavy duty so that it can prevent which usually come through corrugations. Failure to protect them, they will end up destroying the tray.
There are other vehicles which come unused pre-installed location for the installation of the second battery. However, several vehicles, mostly the current models do have this spare room. Therefore, the secondary battery system needs to be located in a different place within the vehicle. The most common place for installing this system is in the passenger compartment or the area under or in a loading tray. Thus, this is an indication that a lot of attention must be employed while choosing the type of battery and wiring.
However, you should note that batteries hate heat. Hence, the secondary battery should always be installed far from the components of the engine. Always prefer the cold sides of the engine.
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